Affiliate Mastery

SHOPPING CART   FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
(1)   Q.    Will I have to do a lot of coding and changes to my website?

       A.    No. You will receive simple and easy step-by-step instructions which show you exactly how to place the secure shopping cart on your site. This process is truly revolutionary and requires no technical skill, just the ability to read and follow simple directions.

(2)    Q.    Why are there no Merchant Account fees?

       A.    Merchant Accounts act as "middlemen" between the shopping cart and the customer. They charge expensive fees to process and verify a credit card number. Our system allows you to safely and securely receive the customers credit card information and quickly process and verify it from our secure site; thus the need for a Merchant Account is eliminated and you keep the fees as part of you profit for the transaction!

(3)    Q.    Why is this a limited time offer?

       A.    Our market research shows that there will be high demand for this system and we plan to handle that demand by publicizing this offer periodically.

(4)    Q.    Do I really get my money back if I'm not satisfied?

       A.    Absolutely positively YES! We don't even touch your money for 30 days. It is placed in a holding account during the money back guarantee period, and if for ANY reason you're not satisfied we refund your money without questions. We then de-activate your shopping cart after giving you 10 days notice.

(5)    Q.    Is this system really safe and reliable?

       A.    YES YES YES. We use the latest in SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. This ensures that credit card information is thoroughly scrambled (encrypted) and resides on a secure server during processing. All transactions are insured up to $100,000, so you and the customer can never lose money.




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